- A guide for the Rain Sensor FC-37 or YL-83 with Arduino offers step-by-step instructions on integrating and utilizing these rain sensors in electronic projects. These sensors are designed to detect rain or moisture, making them valuable for weather monitoring systems, automated irrigation, or rain-activated devices. The guide typically covers wiring instructions, code examples for Arduino programming, and explanations on interpreting sensor outputs. By following this guide, enthusiasts can effectively implement rain sensors with Arduino, enabling their projects to respond dynamically to changing weather conditions and contributing to applications like smart agriculture or home automation.
- Rain sensors like FC-37 or YL-83 are commonly used to detect the presence of rain or water. These sensors typically work by measuring the resistance between two conductive probes, which changes when water comes into contact with the probes. Here's a basic guide on how to connect and use a rain sensor with an Arduino:
Components Needed:
- 1x Rain Sensor : FC-37 or YL-83
- Arduino UNO – read Best Arduino Starter Kits
- 1x Breadboard
- 2x 220 Ohm Resistors
- 1x Red LED
- 1x Green LED
- Jumper wires
Connect the rain sensor module as follows:
- Connect the VCC pin to 5V on Arduino.
- Connect the GND pin to GND on Arduino.
- Connect the A0 pin to an analog pin on Arduino (for analog output).
- Connect the D0 pin to a digital pin on Arduino (for digital output).
Arduino Code:
Here's a simple example for both analog and digital output:
int rainPin = A0;
int greenLED = 6;
int redLED = 7;
// you can adjust the threshold value
int thresholdValue = 500;
void setup(){
pinMode(rainPin, INPUT);
pinMode(greenLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(redLED, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW);
digitalWrite(redLED, LOW);
void loop() {
// read the input on analog pin 0:
int sensorValue = analogRead(rainPin);
if(sensorValue < thresholdValue){
Serial.println(" - It's wet");
digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW);
digitalWrite(redLED, HIGH);
else {
Serial.println(" - It's dry");
digitalWrite(greenLED, HIGH);
digitalWrite(redLED, LOW);
The analog value represents the resistance between the probes and can be used to infer the amount of water present.
The digital value is a binary result, indicating whether a certain threshold has been crossed (e.g., rain detected or not).
Calibrate the sensor by measuring analog values in dry and wet conditions. Adjust the threshold accordingly for digital output.
These sensors may not provide highly accurate rainfall measurements and are better suited for detecting the presence of rain or water.
Depending on your application, additional filtering or debounce logic might be necessary.
Adjust the pin numbers in the code to match your actual wiring configuration. Depending on your project requirements, you may want to implement a more sophisticated algorithm or integrate the sensor readings into a larger project.
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